Thursday, October 26, 2023

We are currently in the P.A. phase (Pre-Ai) We are currently in the P.A. phase (Pre-Ai) — xavierdataresearch (@xaviksjpg) Oct 26, 2023

As time goes on people will have to decide who they would rather trust with their life and the choices will be Google algorithms/decision-making or continuing to trust in the government which believes it knows what’s best for you As time goes on people will have to decide who they would rather trust with their life and the choices will be Google algorithms/decision-making or continuing to trust in the government which believes it knows what’s best for you — xavierdataresearch (@xaviksjpg) Oct 26, 2023

There were already laws in place for AI to run a venture capital or be the reason why the taxi industry is fully autonomous with non-organic organisms. There were already laws in place for AI to run a venture capital or be the reason why the taxi industry is fully autonomous with non-organic organisms. — xavierdataresearch (@xaviksjpg) Oct 26, 2023

Friday, June 16, 2023


The race mentality we have with AI is not that does not exist, but that the overall race is self-destruction.

Innovation happens over time to build these utopias, Industrial Revolution won’t equal the current time. We ultimately stopped building that infrastructure, especially in America innovation has not been powerful as it could have been but with the technology we have in today’s society it can happen with more of an impact on human life our industries don’t understand the correct direction of where we need to head vs where we are heading

3 components required for the implementation of computerized input - processing- output model

- The computer hardware which provides the physical mechanisms to input and output data, for manipulating data, and for electronically controlling the various input, output, and storage components.
The software both application and system which provides instructions that tell the hardware exactly what tasks are to be performed and in what order
- The data that is being manipulated, this data may be numeric. It may be alphanumeric it may be graphic or it may take some other form but in all cases it must be representable in a form that the computer can manipulate, In modern systems the input entry, output display and storage of the data and software used for processing often takes place at a location different from the computer where the actual processing occurs.

In some installations actual processing is distributed among computer systems with particular results passed to the individual systems that require them. Which brings a 4th component

The communication component which consists of hardware and software that transport programs and data between interconnected computer systems.